From Beginning to End

Were we destined for each other
From the very beginning?
Were we meant to be this way
Since we were born?
Were we meant to find each other
Since before our first breaths?

Was I meant to find you
In the strangest of places
And to look upon your eyes
And not tell if what I saw in them
Was the future or a dream?
Was I meant to find you
And see you as nothing more than a good friend
Before I instantly fell in love?

Were you meant to see me
A shadow in a crowd of beautiful faces
And only to see me like how I saw you
For only a moment?
Were you meant to at last find me
And drag me from the darkness
Only to find that my face was far lovelier
Than any other you could imagine?

Were we meant to laugh
So heartily that we cried
And when we cried we hugged
Only for the moment to at last come
When your lips touched mine
And I felt the sparks instantly drag
And it was then that we knew
We had both fallen?

Were you meant to drag me there
To that gorgeous spot of peace
And to have fallen to one knee
My hand in yours,
And the sacred words to have lingered
Where my answer would have been the obvious?

Was I truly meant to wear that gown
And strut through an aisle of blossoms
Covered by white veils
Only to find you waiting for me at the end
And to wrap my arms so tightly around you
As two words rang in my ears
And I found myself drowning in a lifetime of happiness?

Was I meant to have screamed your name
So loud that the skies rang with my voice
And your soul melted with mine
And I found a pleasure unlike any other
In your arms, in your presence
And forever with you?

Were we truly meant to breed
With children only so beautiful, so lovely
Much like you, with your name
And my eyes
Only to have them grow and find happiness
Much like our own?

Was I meant to lie with you
In this endless and eternal bliss
Where only tranquility comforted us
And our love endless beyond a doubt
Only for us to disappear into infinity
Hand in hand, dancing wildly with the stars?

Was I truly meant to find love
With you,
Destined forever
From beginning to end?

My answer to this,
Just like to so many
Will always be the same
